Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango

Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango

Mount Gede Pangrango National Park has an important role in the history of conservation in Indonesia. Established as a national park in 1980. With an area of 22851.03 hectares, the area of the Park is covered by tropical rainforest mountains, just 2 hours (100 km) from Jakarta. In the forested areas, can be found "the Giants", "si Rasamala insect hunters" or Nepenthes (Nephentes spp); orchids are also forests, and there are even some plant species that are not yet known scientifically, as the name suggests mushrooms of fire. In addition to the uniqueness of the foliage, the area is also the habitat of various species of wildlife, such as ladybugs, a kind of giant beetles, more than 100 types of mammals such as Deer, Babbler, Coyote, Skunk, Leopard, etc., as well as 250 types of birds. This area is also the habitat of the Owa Jawa, Surili Langurs and the Javan hawk-eagle and the population was nearing extinction. When you're hiking in the TNGGP area, you can enjoy the beauty of the forest ecology of Indonesia.As the tourist and recreation, while weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and public holidays, the tourist area of Cibodas Cibodas botanical gardens and will be diramaikanby the visitors who buy a souvenir and gift shop in the form of vegetables and fresh fruit at an affordable price from the tourism market at Cibodas.Enjoy your vacation in the National Park area, with beautiful natural mountains, refreshing yourself after a busy days, and you can learn about nature and natural ecosystems.Let's together to preserve valuable nature of this and pass it on to the generations to come!


There are two climate that is the dry season from June to October and the rainy season from November to April.

During the months of January and February, the rains accompanied by wind and happens quite often, so it is dangerous to climb. Rain also fell when the dry season, causing the region's rainfall has TNGP average 4000 mm per year.

The average temperature in Cibodas 23 ° C, and the highest peak is at 3000 m above sea level. If you climb up, prepare yourself against cold weather because the windis getting tighter at the top of the mountain, and the temperature will drop to 5 ° c.

The Management Of The Area

TNGGP is one of the five national parks that are dideklarasi by the Government of Indonesia in 1980, and until 2007 was already 50 national parks formed by Governments across Indonesia. As with any other conservation areas in Indonesia, the management was the responsibility of TNGP region Directorate General of forest protectionand nature conservation, Ministry of forestry.

Administratively, the area is located at the 3 TNGP district (Bogor, Sukabumi and Cianjur) West Java province. Office Manager, namely the great Hall TNGGP was at Cibodas, and in management is divided into three (3) management of the National Parkregion (areas of PTN Wil), i.e. the areas of PTN Wil I in Cianjur, PTN SBidang Wil II inSukabumi, Selabintana-danBidang PTN Wil III in Bogor, and 6 (six) of the Management Section of the National Park region (SPTN Wil) and 22 (twenty two) resort AreaNational Park Management with the task and function of protecting and securing the entire area TNGGP in realizing the preservation of natural resources towards the utilization of are sustained.